As whole world know about the #OpIsrael which was a operation of Anonymous Hackers on Israel of a Big Cyber Attack in which they hacked and defaced many websites, give a huge financial loss, we also have a Major list of all that websites.
Now another operation is going to be released on USA yes on USA a pressrelease type of note posted on pastebin in which clearly said that After Op Israel , Mauritania Attacker founder of Mauritania HaCker Team , Ex Member in ZHC , Founder of Teamr00t and AnonGhost Team has decided to Launch another Op wich he called "Op Usa" also same day like Op Israel but the next month 07/05/2013.
7 is the date of this month when they launched #OpIsrael but we think that hackers were very excited about that because they started hacking and defacing their websites from 6, now again they gave 7 of next month to USA.
Why they have released their #Op USA ?
#OpUSA will be initiated on 7th of May 2013 and will target American websites & servers. The hackers say they are targeting the USA for its war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The hackers also said the attacks will be done in solidarity with the innocent victims of american drone attacks especially the innocent children.
Hackers also said in their Press Release that Op Usa will give more damage than Op Israel,
You can see the complete damage of #OpIsrael done by Anonymous, after that you can imagine that how big Cyber Attack is going to done by Anonymous.
Official Teams and Members that are participating to this Op are :
# AnonGhost Team :
Mauritania Attacker
Virusa Worm
Man Sykez
Deto Beiber
K4C3 Undetected
Sky Lion
Kais Patron
Ian Surgent
Gbs Aremiey
Mr Domoz
Tak Dikenal
# TheHackersArmy
Tha Rude
# Mauritania HaCker Team :
Mauritania Attacker
Deto Beiber
BØo ȜnAs
Java Jee
Scrypts Sniper
# Moroccan Hackers :
Morrocan InjȜctor
# Ajaxteam :
# MLA :
# ZHC (Zcompany Hacking Crew).
# Khorasan Hackers Army Team.
# The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam cyber fighters Team.
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