The story begins with Reden Caharian, a loving husband and father who came from a wealthy family but went against his parents' wishes when he married his wife Dulce. Despite their lack of riches, Reden and Dulce enjoy a simple and perfect life with their three kids: Benjie, Jessie and Ivan.
In their community, there exists an old and abandoned house. The townspeople believe no one has lived in the house for many years. One day, Benjie's friends challenge him to enter the house. Not knowing that his younger sister Jessie followed him, they play around and scare each other inside the abandoned residence. When Benjie got home, that was the only time he learned about Jessie following him in the house. Reden sets off to search for Jessie. After a while, both Reden and Jessie safely return home.
But after the incident at the old house, things started to change at the Caharian home. Reden's behavior got worse and he became selfish, uncaring and rude to everybody. Meanwhile, Jessie changed from a cheerful, sweet child, to an irritable, impolite girl. Benjie is shocked with the sudden bizarre behaviors of his father and sister. He couldn't explain these changes until he spoke to the resident "town fool", Mang Sidyo. He told Benjie a story about a little girl who went inside the old house and when she came out, she had a completely different personality. According to him, whoever enters the house will be trapped inside forever, and a fake version of that person trapped inside will come out. This fake version has the opposite personality of the real one. Benjie wouldn't believe Mang Sidyo's strange tale but Reden and Jessie's behaviors became worse and Benjie began to think that there's truth in Mang Sidyo's story.
Meanwhile, Benjie's childhood friend Lucy has sightings in the old house. Her father has similar personality changes upon entering and leaving the house. Lucy wants to find out the truth and locate his father. So, Benjie through the help of Lucy, embark on their adventure inside the old house, as they save his family and search for the real Reden and Jessie.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Home Sweet Home (2013)
Posted on 09:39 by smith
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